‌How to watch Hulu for Free of cost

‌In this post, you will learn how to get Hulu for free. To acquire Hulu free, first of all, you need to visit the Hulu website and click the button called “start your free trial”.

Before you do anything else, you need to read the entire post thoroughly and then weblicate the process afterwards. You will have a complete understanding and also you won’t mess-up along the way.

The first thing you need to do is, click any of the plans shown on the Hulu website. After choosing any one plan, you need to register by filling out the form completely. Once you fill the entire form, then click continue button to proceed forward.

There you will notice the regular Hulu plan is $12 per month. And after the end of the trial, you need to spend several dollars. A lot of people do not remember when their Hulu free trial ends.
To save your dollar after the expire of free Hulu trial, you need to follow these steps. 

  1.  Visit privacy.com, it is a website that creates virtual debit cards. A virtual debit card is like a gift card, but not a physical gift card. It is a type of gift card that you can use everywhere on the internet.

 2.  Once you register with privacy.com, you can click create a new card.

 3.  Fill the entire form including card details and add the amount slightly higher than $12 i.e. $13 as per your choice. Then click the button “add limit”.

 4.  Then you will see the new card with a spending limit of $13. This $13 is not on the card but in your bank account. But if you want to spend then it will be detected from the card.

 5. Since you are using a
free Hulu trial, you won’t be charged until the trial ends.

 6.  Then you need to copy the card detail from privacy.com and enter it in the Hulu website as well. We do this in order the prevent spending after free Hulu trial ends.

 Now you can watch Hulu for free for a single month until the trial ends.